The Partners of Decision Processes International Africa cordially invite you to join us, as our guests at a Strategic Discussion Breakfast Forum to be held on November 18th 2014. The event is complimentary.
We would welcome your attendance, input and participation to join a select group of senior executives from a wide range of industries to discuss the way ahead for South African business to survive and thrive in what inevitably will be difficult conditions.
The Discussion Forum will focus on the future economic climate for South Africa and the Strategic and Innovation needs that have arisen as a result of the changed economic and business environment. The theme of the Forum is:
New Strategies for Future Battles
Most western economies are recovering from the global financial crises. There is an increase in social unrest across many nations, which is creating insecurity, political and social changes. These changes have a serious impact on the external environment and consequently business strategies and “go-to-market” models.
The South African environment is far from immune – growth forecasts and business confidence continue to fall. The full effects of the recent, historically lengthy strikes are difficult to predict.
Despite all these changes our research show that many executives still think “this is not the time” to invest in a full examination of their Strategy and Business Model. “This thinking is deadly”, argues DPI founder Michel Robert. In our view, the best time to establish advantage over competitors is during times of change. When competitors are hiding their heads in the sand, companies that concentrate on renewing their strategies, are able to breed competitive advantage, and new opportunities.
Now is the time to set aside conventional strategic planning approaches and take an in-depth look at your industry using the “Stealth Strategy” technique, developed by DPI. This technique crafts a potential game changing strategy and business model that will challenge the rules of play in your industry, resulting in new revenue streams, growth and distinctive competitive advantage.
Greg Carolin, a leading South African Strategic Thinker, will take us through a discussion on “Cherry Picking the Advantages that present themselves in a difficult economy”. This will be followed by Dr Azar Jammine who will give us his view on “SA, the Big Picture – The next 5 years and why you should care”.
The venue: To be announced on your RSVP
The date is:Tuesday, November 18 2014
The agenda is:
6.30 – 7.00: Registration and Coffee
7.00 – 8.00: Breakfast will be served
8.00 – 8.15: Welcome
8.15 – 9.00: Greg Carolin (MBA Hull): will present “Game Changing Strategies”
9.00 – 10.00: Dr Azar Jammine (PhD London Business School): will present “South Africa, the Big Picture”
We look forward to welcoming you as our guest as we explore the challenging future facing us in 2015 and beyond.
Best Regards
Rex Glanville
Chairman DPI-Africa